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  • Tags: First Baptist Church Newnan

CCR 1985.04.04.jpg
This old view of downtown Newnan is of the north square looking west. The spire of the First Baptist Church can be seen in the center background of this photograph.

This photograph of Newnan shows the north side of the Court Square in the 1890s crowded with wagons coming to market when cotton was still king. The Confederate monument, which has since been moved to the Coweta County Courthouse grounds, stands in…

Assembled at the Newnan waterworks is the Baracca Class of the First Baptist Church in Newnan from the era of the 1930s. The photograph is thought to have been taken on the dam at the waterworks when the pond was still relatively new. Among the men…

CCR 1986.05.20_p1.jpg
The Georgia Baptist Convention met in Newnan in November 1917 at the First Baptist Church on West Washington Street. Church records give a brief mention of the event, saying that A.N. Freeman gave the welcome on behalf of the First Baptist Church and…
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