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Coweta County Remembered

A tree planting ceremony in Oak Hill Cemetery was preserved for history by a photographer, but the peoples' names and occasion are a mystery.
View of C&S Bank looking up Greenville Street Towards Downtown
Black and white photograph of the C&S Bank looking up Greenville Street towards the downtown square. Notice the sign for the Lee King Drugstore, a mainstay of the downtown area.
Completed Construction of C&S Bank
Black and white photograph of the completed C&S Bank branch on corner of Greenville Street and Spring Street.
Nearly Completed C&S Bank Building
Black and white photograph of nearly completed C&S bank located on Greeville Street and Spring Street in downtown Newnan.
Arial View of Construction of New C&S Bank
Black and white photograph taken of the re-construction of the old Kroger store building. Photograph was taken on the rooftop of the old Post Office building.
Back View of the Demolition Site of the New C&S Bank, 1956
Black and white photograph of the back view of the new C&S Bank during demolition. Notice the R.D. Cole Manufacturing Company's water tower in the background.
Back View of C&S Bank Construction, 1956
Black and white photograph from the back of the new C&S Bank location on the corner of Greenville Street and Spring Street in downtown Newnan. Photo was taken by Norman Studios on April 11, 1956
Careful Demolition of old Kroger Store
Black and white photograph of the careful demolition of the old Kroger store located at the corner of Greenville Street and Spring Street. Photograph was taken by Norman Studios on April 23, 1956
Demolition of old Kroger Building on the Corner of Greenville Street and Spring Street, 1957
Black and white photograph of the old Kroger store during demolition. The sign for the Piggly Wiggly was found underneath the Kroger sign.
Old Kroger Grocery Store on Greeville Street and Spring Street, c. 1957
Black and white photograph of the old Kroger grocery store building before construction of new C&S Bank location on Greenville Street and Spring Street. Photograph taken c. 1957
Boy sharing his list with Santa Clause
Color photograph of a boy sitting in Santa's lap. No date.
Bank Employee's Annual Christmas Photo
Black and White photograph of employees in front of Christmas Tree.
C&S Bank Annual Employee Christmas Photo
Black and white photograph of employees in front of large Christmas Tree with a Santa Clause figure in the center. Photo taken c. 1955-1960
Annual Employee Photograph 
Black and white photograph of bank employees posing in front of the lobby Christmas Tree, c. 1955-1960.
Employees pose in front of large Christmas wreath
Black and White photograph of bank employees in front of large Christmas wreath in lobby of bank branch, c. 1955-1960.
Employees of C&S Bank of Newnan in front of Christmas Tree
Black and White photograph of branch employees in front of Christmas Tree in the lobby of the bank.
Children in front of Christmas Tree, 1979 
Black and white photograph of bank employee's children posing in front of a Christmas Tree inside the bank lobby. Dated December 1979.
A Visit from Santa
Black and white photograph of children posing with Santa Clause at the bank branch located on Greenville Street in downtown Newnan. Photograph was taken by Bob Shapiro Photography in 1984.
Wanda Stegall 
Wanda Stegall employee of the Office of Public Relations, West Georgia College, Carrollton, GA
Former Residents 
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Allen, of Dayton, Ohio, formally of Newnan, will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with a reception on February 20, 1982. The Allen's have seven children, 13 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
Mrs. Nora Sewell 
Nora Sewell celebrates her birthday
Mrs. Fannie Brown 
Mrs. Fannie Brown celebrates her birthday
State Kiwanis Officers 
State Kiwanis Officers participate in meeting. Third from left is Allyn Bell, a long time Coweta County School System principal and member of the Newnan Kiwanis Club.
25 Years of Service 
Florine Garner, right, receiving a State of Georgia Faithful Service Award
Golden Age Club Plans Bazaar
Golden Age Club Plans Bazaar
Veterans Employee Honored for Service 
Neal Shepard, left, presenting the Honor for Service to a veteran employee Florine Garner. Shepard was a Republican serving as State Representative from the Newnan area.
Superior Court Records 
Employee conducting research in the Coweta County Superior Court Records.
Handwritten in 1901
Employee shows off the handwritten entries in a Coweta County Superior Court Criminal Docket.
Donald Lowery Award 
Honors Day at Madras School (located on U.S. 29 North). From left, are Coach Gemmell, Henry Seldon (Coweta County School System Recreation Director), Mrs. Ida Long, Mark Ball, Mrs. Donald Ball, and Coach Bennett.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. Grant 
Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. Grant celebrate their anniversary
Newnan High FHA Honored 
Newnan High FHA honored
ROTC Cadet Reginald Cheney 
ROTC Cadet Reginald Cheney receiving an accommodation
Willie Frank Strong 
Willie Frank Strong, a Newnan student often in the news for achievement.
School Food Service Employee Retires 
Lois Ware, long time Coweta County School Food Service Worker retires.
Mary A. Lovelace Stegall 
Photograph of Mary A. Lovelace Stegall, used for her obituary
Drug Abuse Information 
Second from left is Elizabeth Camp, longtime aide to former Congressman and House Speaker Newt Gingrich. She appears to be sharing information on drug abuse prevention.
The Children 
Gathering of residents and community members in the pavilion off Boone Drive at Newnan Public Housing apartments.
Jonsey Mullally
Jonsey Mullally, longtime librarian at Newnan Carnegie Library downtown. Here she appears to be discussing the Wayne P. Sewell Producing Company. Wayne P. Sewell and his wife, Hettie Jane Dunaway, developed Dunaway Gardens near Roscoe in north Coweta…
Volunteers from Moreland Baptist Church 
Volunteers from Moreland Baptist Church. Left to right: Administrator Carolyn Stender, members of Moreland Baptist W.M.U. - Mrs. Betty Johnson, Mrs. Nettie Johnson, Miss Katherine Davis (President), Mrs. Iris Holmes. Other members not pictured: Mrs.…
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tarleton 
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tarleton celebrating their wedding anniversary
New JP 
New Justice of the Peace to Willie H. Kelley made by Coweta Probate Judge, Carl McKoy, left whose office handled marriage licenses in the 1904 Coweta County Courthouse.
Junior Winners in 4-H Talent Show
Winners in the older "Junior" division of the annual 4-H Talent Show Monday night at the Newnan Municipal Auditorium were, left to right, front, second place winners Roderick Almond, Sherrah Harrison and Anthony Williams for a song routine and third…
Willie P. Mitchell at a Meeting 
Willie P. Mitchell was a prominent Coweta County figure in Civil Rights
Political Cartoonist 
David Boyd, Sr., was featured guest speaker of the Senoia Lions Club held February 8, 1982. Boyd discussed the difficulties and enjoyment of political caricatures, and described how he got into the business of political cartooning. Boyd, left,…
Named As King and Queen 
Youngsters named as King and Queen at the Haralson Head Start Center
Mortgage Records Research
Virginia Holbrook, clerk of Coweta County Superior Court, standing beside a stack of Mortgage Records books in the 1904 Coweta County Courthouse.
National Historic Register 
Volunteers conducting research for the Newnan National Register of Historic Places in the Superior Court deed records at the 1904 Court House. Third from left is Maurie Van Buren, historic planner who helped organize the nominations.
Getting Ready for Kindergarten 
Coweta County Probate Judge Carl McKoy, right, presenting a local child with her "Certificate of Live Birth" in order for her to be ready for kindergarten. Photograph taken inside the Probate Offices in the 1904 Coweta Court House.
The Great Seal of Georgia 
Byron Mathews, Coweta County Juvenile Court Judge, discussing the Great Seal of Georgia at a local meeting. Judge Mathews wrote a book about the McCook-Stoneman Raid.
Crystal Lawson Receives Award 
Left to right: Herman Fletcher (Principal of O.P. Evans Middle School), Crystal Lawson, and unknown.