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Coweta County Remembered

A tree planting ceremony in Oak Hill Cemetery was preserved for history by a photographer, but the peoples' names and occasion are a mystery.
Familiar Coweta County faces of the day are shown at a wild game supper
Familiar Coweta County faces of the day are shown at a "wild game supper" in 1960 at the Manget cabin on Highway 34 west of Newnan. From left are Joe Norman (who served for a number of years as Newnan mayor and provided photography services for the…
Mary Johnson (Shell) and Leroy H. Johnson
Mary Johnson (Shell) and Leroy H. Johnson are pictured in 1919 at the home-place of their parents, Nancy B. and Rhodes H. Johnson in Turin, Ga. Note the Delco Light System sign on the tree above the children. Mr. Johnson remembers that it was a…
The Carmical-Johnson family of the Turin area
The Carmical-Johnson family of the Turin area of Coweta County is pictured on a morning in January 1898. From left are, front row, outside fence, Margaret (Peggy) Hunter Carmical (Granny), Joseph Egbert Johnson - standing (Joe). Egbert Daniel Johnson…