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  • Tags: Sargent

These youngsters are sixth and seventh grade student at the Sargent School in 1924-25. The village of Sargent is west of Newnan out Georgia Highway 16. Their teacher was Miss Josie Smith, and the principal was Miss Green. In this photo are, from…

This photograph features the students at Sargent School in 1910 when the teacher was Maude Bridges Carmical. Among the students are, not in order, Eldridge Burnham, Home Burnham, Robbie Burnham Vickery, Myrtle Burnham Vickery, Bertha Burnham Beam,…

This group photograph, provided by Thomas H. Holeman was made at Sargent School about 1920. Mr. Holeman was able to recognize some of those pictured. On the back row at center are, from left, teachers Maggie Newton and Hattie Bridges, Principal…

The white, wooden building of the Sargent School was built in 1918 and consisted of six rooms and a stage Farmers' High School and the first Sargent School were consolidated to form this school.

Shown in this photo is the large William Henry Bryant family of Sargent. Included in the group photo are the Bryant children, their spouses and children. They are, from left, front, Ethel Duncan Bryant with child Frances Bryan (Yarbrough), Edward…

This scene is of second and third grade youngsters at the old Sargent School in 1923. The photo is provided by Mrs. Willie Pearl (Robinson) Hanners, who is in the third row, fifth from left. The other youngsters' names were not remembered. Miss Delia…

This is the second of two group photos provided by Lena Latimer Murphy (Mrs. Hewlette C. Murphy), showing the old A.J. "Berry" Murphy home place. A picture of the family in the 1940s was published November 10, 1987. The home, still standing, is on…

This group photo shows one of Coweta county's families about 1940. Gathered around A.J. "Berry" Murphy and his wife Etna Belinda Carter Murphy are their children, in-laws and grandchildren at the A.J. Murphy Home. It is provided by Lena Latimer…

Erastus W. Landers, born on March 16, 1884, in Tyron, Chattoga, Co., Ga., was married April 27, 1904, in Newnan to Frances Almeady Chaffin of Randolph Co., Alabama. They moved to Coweta County around 1960, where Erastus lived until his death in 1965.…

This group of young Coweta County citizens are gathered for an 1890s picnic at Wahoo Creek near Sargent. The names of the couple cannot be identified, although it is known that Howard Clover and a young woman named Mary Goodrum (or possibly Goodwyn)…

This group from the early 1900s is believed to be gathered for a singing school at Sargent Baptist Churhc. Among thos in the picture are Mrs. Emmy Witcher Warren, Brewer Witcher, Mrs. Amelia Crawford Witcher, Ernest Witcher and Mrs. Annie Newton…
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